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Our Building is old and has been part of the community since 1945. Time takes its toll on us all and our building is no exception. We have a roof that is in desperate need of repair or replacement and we need help in securing funding to make good our roof and protect the theatre for future generations to enjoy.
If you can help to keep the theatre alive and in good order we would be so grateful to you.
Like us 'people', old buildings need love, care & constant attention and our theatre is no exception. Over the years our committee has spent thousands of pounds making sure that the theatre is fit for purpose and a safe place for all.
Of course our shows do create revenue that is used for our day to day running costs, minor repairs and insurances but believe me, it's hard work making what small amounts we have, stretch to cover everything.
Over recent months the region has been hit with heavy rain, high winds and the odd storm too. This has had a major impact on our theatre and the roof has suffered several leaks and areas of damage and we need your help to repair this damage and protect the roof from further decay and damage.
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